Rates are as follows:

The rates for full day care are listed below; this covers a 10 hour day. Anything over a 10 hour day will be charged additional fees. 

FULL DAY CARE - Private Fees

FULL DAY CARE - Subsidized Fees

We accept subsidized funding from the following: ELRC, NACCRA + CCAMPIS.


The fee will be at the rate of $6.00/hour or any part of an hour. There will be a minimum weekly fee of $24.00/morning or afternoon care. Before school care fee is calculated separately from after school care fee. $36.00 will be charged for a full day. 

Preschool Only

Sessions are available: September through May.

Additional Information:

Grand Beginnings Children's Center

Grand Beginnings is open 6:30 am to 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday. For Full Time Care, payment will be due on the 1st and 15th of each month before services are rendered. Before/After School care will be billed every 2 weeks, after services are rendered; payments should be made within three days after billing. Checks should be made payable to Grand Beginnings Children’s Center and placed in the Director’s mailbox on or before the due date. Service will be terminated if payments are not kept current. There is a $30 service fee charge for each returned check with insufficient funds. 

There is a specific closing time. It is expected that all children will be picked up and out of the building by that time. A $30/child fee will be charged for every 15 minutes or any part thereof, that a child is not picked up by the session’s closing.

Full time enrolled children will be given 5 grace days. The child must be enrolled for a year and must be a full time child at the Center. Full time means your child must be enrolled 12 consecutive months and attend 5 days per week. These days can be used individually or consecutively, but you must put these days in writing and give it to the Business Manager. Five grace days per year must be used within the year because there will be no carryover of unused days.